How the Human Cloud Is Innovating Staffing Efforts
How the Human Cloud Is Innovating Staffing Efforts


With the human cloud on the rise, 92% of organizations are somewhat involved in the cloud. The human cloud has existed for years. But, with the rising demand for remote work, the cloud is expanding and growing in popularity amongst employers and employees.

Continue to read below to find out more information about the human cloud and why it will benefit individuals interested in finding work.

What Is the Human Cloud?

The human cloud acts as an online platform that helps people find different types of work. The digital networking program supports both employers and employees looking for work.

The type of work varies depending on the company. Much of the work we are seeing is freelancing, IT, marketing, miscellaneous projects, and more. Regardless of the type of work, the human cloud holds millions of opportunities for anyone with the time and internet access.

Benefits of the Human Cloud for Workers

A growing industry, the human cloud offers many benefits for workers and employers. Here are a few of the key benefits the cloud offers.


As an online platform, finding a job through the human cloud allows individuals to work from anywhere. Since Covid-19, the labor force experienced a rise in hybrid or from home jobs, and the human cloud offers work like that.


Going hand in hand with its flexible nature, the human cloud offers a wide range of opportunities. Especially through its network of freelancers and projects from different companies. Finding work becomes easier and more transparent through the human cloud.

Benefits of the Human Cloud for Employers

For employers, investing in the human cloud helps improve staffing quality and feasibility. The cloud creates more efficient crowd-staffing models. Because of the cloud’s built-in recruiter and talent networks.

With embedded quality control features, it allows the hiring processes to run smoother. The platform also optimizes job postings, which will entice prospective workers.

So, the human cloud works to improve the quality and rate of staffing which benefits companies who may need urgent work. Also, the human cloud helps employers with the expansion of their work-force, like Innovative Employee Solutions does.

How to Join Human Cloud

For Employers

With a high percentage of organizations already involved in the human cloud, your company should begin to assess what staffing skills they may need.

Before entering the world of the cloud, companies should consider what precise skills they are looking for, what projects or work they need more people for, and what is the best way for people to access their cloud.

For Workers

The human cloud offers a variety of job listings. Individuals can search for jobs listed on the human cloud. There are several companies that offer remote work such as Freelancer, Upwork, Uber, and more.

Will You Give the Human Cloud a Try?

It’s as easy as a click away. If you are looking for remote work, you are missing out if you don’t take advantage of what the human cloud offers.

The same goes for employers. The human cloud offers many avenues to increase staffing and enhance work. Join the human cloud community today.